Read the attached article, it sums it up.
No one state and no one company should be allowed to exploit a resource for their own benefit, especially one which drives an insane amount of economic and recreational value for the entirety of the states making up the New England / Mid-Atlantic regions. 112 million lbs. of menhaden harvested by a singular Canadian company no less to primarily make fish pellets for salmon farms so we can buy their salmon back at outrageous prices. Why not control the harvest sensibly to avoid damage to the resource and our environment and cultivate that business in the USA? Because of Virginia and politician's greed, the Chesapeake is literally a dying ecosystem, small businesses dependent on it's health have been crushed, the striped bass population is in turmoil and every state has to pay for the consequences of Virginia and Omega One's self indulging decisions.
Amazing it's allowed but it is and there has to be massive amounts of graft and corruption involved. How else do all state and federal politicians seem to have a net worth most people can only dream of. The Chesapeake Bay resources have been sold to the highest bidder and only a multi state law suit will change matters. How the ASMFC allows this as they have representation from every coastal state is unconscionable. Here's their supposed charter:
The Commission was formed in 1942 by the 15 member states for the purpose of protecting and managing marine fisheries within the states’ jurisdiction. The states recognized that they could accomplish far more through cooperation than through their individual efforts.
Maybe it's time the Commissioner and their Members dust off the original charter and reread it because certainly there's no cooperation taking place between Virginia and any other state when it comes to this disaster. Just another example of politicians stealing resources for their own personal gain at the expense of the hard working blue collar American worker busting his or her ass trying to survive week to week. Something to keep in mind in November. If you don't like what's happening, vote your conscience and try putting someone in office who shares your values who you believe will take action addressing your concerns.