Re: Sea bass
Plain old AVa jigs, or any similar metal jig will work as well as anything else. Light current/shallower water use lighter jigs. I like to use the smallest/lightest jig that will handle the depth and conditions that particular day.
Listen to the captain and mates... Sea bass can be right on bottom or 10 feet under the boat, and the cap will let you know the best approach to start with.. I say this all the time, but it often gets ridiculed.- If the fish aren't on sand eels, and are relating to bottom structure,and not chasing bait, they often won't hit jigs.. It depends on the day and location,, Some days jigs are hot and guys using jigs catch more and bigger fish... Other days, they get very few, while the guys using clams or squid do very well. I have seen guys absolutely refuse to use bait even when thats all that is working that particular day. Keep your eyes and ears open watch what the guys are doing that are catching fish, and listen to the captain/mates... I much prefer to use jigs, but as stated on some days when the fish are very picky, you won't catch a single fish with them..