Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski
The NJMFC webinar/meeting is scheduled on Thursday 4/7 @ 5PM to decide on NJ Summer Flounder regulations and take public comments.
If you'd like to attend the webinar and make comments you need to register here https://register.gotowebinar.com/reg...98379829224715
The options up for comment are as follows and right now the preferred option from the council's perspective is option 1
1) May 21 - Sep 23.... 3 fish @ 17.5 or greater
2) May 2 - Sep 27 .... 2 slots between 17 and 17.99 and 1 over 18
3) May 27 - Oct 2 ..... 2 slots between 16.5 and 17.99 and 1 over 18
4) May 1 - Sep 30 ..... 3 fish @ 18 or greater
5) May 24 - Sep 10 .... 1 slot between 16.5 and 17.99 and 2 over 18
This document discusses the options in more detail and the reason the council choose 1 as the their preferred option. https://www.nj.gov/dep/fgw/pdf/2022/...port033122.pdf
I think the NJ Council and the staff at NJDEP did a great job working behind the scenes at the regional and federal level making a consideration for slots for the first time ever.
Feel free to comment here and take the poll above. I hope you all take the time to attend the webinar and make your opinions heard at the meeting.
Seems odd, that we're offered 3@18" for 153 days and to get a single slot, we need to give up 43 days. But to get two slots, we only need to give up 24 days. That makes no sense.
Personally, I like Option 1.
Having .01 inches determining possession just seems ridiculous to me. The lines on my boat measure are thicker than that.