Originally Posted by Capt. Frank
Anyone notice what's missing here in this string? Sponsors ignoring this thread.
No doubt honoring vets is a noble thing. I give half price tuition to vets and seniors in ALL my boating classes.
The down side in this debate is getting a once a year PB fishing patron.
I'm sure PB regulars could ask his PB crew any day for a discount any day. It seems Boat Loyalty is the name of the game in this kind of business.
Capt. Frank I agree 100% with your post. The only point I'd challenge is I don't believe we're talking about once a year fishing patrons. Veterans like us enjoy fishing and fish year round. This could be a win / win for everyone but instead silence. Someone makes a post asking if there's consideration from essentially sponsors to help out our Veterans and not one person has the decency of a reply. Even a reply that says no would be better than completely ignoring the question on behalf of our Veteran Community.
Sad to put it mildly. John C my offer still stands. I'd be more than happy to personally pay for some Veterans to enjoy a day on the water on Veteran's Day in appreciation of their service to our country. PM me if your further interested in discussing.