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Old 11-03-2021, 09:39 AM
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Default Re: Veterans fishing trip

Originally Posted by tautog View Post
Most boats have discounts. Some other boats do some free trips during the year. Since Veteran's Day is a day off for a lot of people, few boats could afford to give up all those fares on what is essentially a weekend.
I've known too many families whose son or daughter came back from serving physically or mentally scarred for life, or worse didn't come home at all. I'd assume most can say the same. I thought the whole concept of honoring and thanking our Veterans on Veteran's Day was to make it meaningful for them, not convenient for us. Don't think anyone is going to break the bank offering a few or half dozen free spots on a party, charter or private boat on Veteran's Day or any day for that matter to thank Veterans for their service and sacrifices. Personally I think every boat, for profit or private, can afford giving up a few spots to thank and honor Veterans and pay tribute to their colleagues who were willing to risk their lives or gave their life for this country. If not, what's Veteran's Day really about?

Before I get any push back for my opinion, I'm not coming at anyone specific with my comments. I just think it's a sad commentary if we think we all can't do something special for people in many cases who come back broken, or not, from serving this country on a day dedicated to them intended to recognize and honor their sacrifices and efforts.

Last edited by dakota560; 11-03-2021 at 01:11 PM..
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