FISHERMEN/Fridays Report & Update
I can't begin to describe how painful today was with the fishing. Weather was a 10, Customers a 10 and I thank you for understanding!
Not many trips in my career where I can say we Honestly didn't have a bite! Sharks in one area were the highlight of the day.
Covered a whole lot of area's some with fish, some just bait, some with Nothing at all. The trollers catch, we don't, simple as that.
Sea Bass & Bottom fishing tomorrow & Everyday there after till the Fluke show up.
7:30am till 2:30pm. Fare is $80 per person. No reservations just come on down. Tackle should be Rods that can handle 6-10 ounces of lead, not noodle rods.
Please Leave the Political tackle boxes in the car and don't ask if "I got mine".
Capt. Ron