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Old 10-07-2020, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Seas, wave height, where is the line drawn on the headboats.

Originally Posted by mak7464 View Post
I have a head boat trip coming up for tuna in the future and plan on booking more.

My questions is surrounding when does a trip get called for weather. Looking for general experience and thoughts. Mainly for the 90 and 100 ft head boats like voyager and gambler etc.

I know there are a lot of factors beside wave height. Frequency wind etc. I’m just looking for general thoughts. How high of seas is too high on these trips. When have you seen them call it off. I have no clue. I can see the forecast with the best of them but want to know at what point I should be concerned about my trip running or not. I also know the forecast is always changing.

I've had my share of assbeatings and try to avoid them as much as possible these days. Why break something on the boat --or worse, get someone hurt.

There are a number of factors that I consider. Sometimes an 8ft sea is just a swell from an offshore disturbance and you'll barely notice it once you get past the inlet breakers.

But when 8ft seas are caused by steady winds, and the seas are close together, it can be down-right nasty. --So 25 knots out of the SW with 8ft seas close together, I would draw the line and cancel.

However, if we can get most of the trip in with good weather, I would put up with some turbulance on the way home, like 6 ft or so.

Another factor I consider: Is it going to be a following sea or a head sea?, going out and returning?

These big boats can take big seas but not so much our passengers --and we want our customers to come back.

Hope that answers your question.

Capt Bob
Captain Bob Bogan
Brand New 90 Foot Party Boat Gambler
Sailing Daily From Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

Last edited by captbogan; 10-07-2020 at 06:04 PM..
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