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Old 03-30-2020, 04:50 PM
Mikey topaz Mikey topaz is offline
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Default Out..& about... & all around fishing!!! 👍🇺🇸

started this weekend off the right way to start a weekend off.... FISHING! Ventured out on the mamba on the first night mission. Water is still a little on a the cold side with this wacky weather we been having. Ran around the lake bouncing around from spot to spot managed to pick up 3 eyeballs casting stickbaits. Really cool part of the night I heard a couple blow ups quick turn my headlamp on and see three eyeballs fighting over a piece of bait, pretty nutz! I’ve never seen these thing act like that... crazy! Ran home and got a few hours of sleep in. Woke up and needed a change of pace. Driving out on my way to the river I stopped and got a couple casts in and stuck a pretty brown and continued... took a ride out to BIG D lookin to whack a early season Shad but came up empty. Met up with eddie and worked the Tca kenlockwood gorge. Eddie was tossing the jigs and myself I threw the plugs. We both caught and had a fish every couple holes, some real pretty fish! Sunday I hitched the mamba up went on the search for lunch met up with eddie again and picked away at the crappie where we left em last couple trips. We both boxed up and got our tasty limit and got outta there. Today I dusted off the trolling rods and hit the valley. Felt kinda naked today running only 11 rods forgot a bunch of stuff at home... it didn’t take long til I found em nice bows with some lakers along the way. Every rod got it! I ran through a patch and never had this many rods go off trolling for trout hybrids yeahhhh... but not trout! One at a time I cranked em in CRAZY. It didn’t matter what was on and what depth rapala spoon and didn’t matter color. Left a lot of laker stuff at home along with the downrigger but managed to pick a few along the way. 13 bows and three lakers. Rest up now guys it’s only gonna get better!
17’ Smokercraft
16’ Ca June Kingfisher Driftboat
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Mike K Guide Service (owner)
(908 642-5423

Last edited by Mikey topaz; 03-30-2020 at 07:03 PM..
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