Mad gaffer fluke report tuesday Sept. 3
We had one of the best days that we had all season with the fluke, we have a full boat limit, and most of the fish were big. Even the shorts were almost there , and Although not quite long enough they were thick , with quite a few fish being in the 3to 5 pound bracket , a couple of fish were in the six lb class , and one about 8 pounds. We’re trying to go tomorrow, and Thursday looks good .We are trying to get as much as we can in before the storm , check our Open Boat page For details PS we still have plenty of prime charter dates available throughout the season, pictures to follow both here and on Facebook call For Information and reservations thanks hope to see you soon Ray
Captain Ray Burke Mad Gaffer II
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Fast 35' Diesel
Giant Cockpit Fishing 1 -12 People
Sailing from Belmar and Keyport
Open Boat and Charters Available
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Call 732-803-6276 for inquires