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Old 08-09-2019, 06:55 AM
Nancy's Boys Nancy's Boys is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 279
Default Re: Jersey MOJO in Aruba

you do not go far two miles off beach you are in 5000 feet. October is a great time to go. Its always windy in Aruba. However when its hurricane season in the carribean it draws the winds away from Aruba being its out of the hurricane belt, and you will fish the North side of the island which typically is the best. Seas are almost always 4-6 feet. Rates are typically 300 for 4 hours, remember you are almost as soon as you pull out. Best is dock off Marriot. Handicuri. My friend Maecelimo been fishing with him 16 years. His charter used to be the Caroline, now its Sunshine fishing charters, and boat name is Persistence. If you go tell him Mark from New Jersey recommended.
hope this helps!
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