Mad gaffer sea bass report wed. may 15
We had an excellent day today, started off slow but it wound up everything that I would want opening day of Sea bass season to be. After doing battle with some of the biggest dog fish I’ve ever seen, and ocean pout that were downright terrifying, we limited the entire boat out with the biggest kind of sea bass, and a really nice catch of big ling , All in all a stellar day. We have a special trip tomorrow afternoon for sea bass with plenty a room and all through the week check our open boat post here and on FacebookCall for Information and reservations pictures to follow both here and on Facebook thanks Ray
Captain Ray Burke Mad Gaffer II
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Fast 35' Diesel
Giant Cockpit Fishing 1 -12 People
Sailing from Belmar and Keyport
Open Boat and Charters Available
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Call 732-803-6276 for inquires