Re: Glory Days Let's Hear Em
....Palace II outta Hoboken with my Dad and Mom, getting there in our baby blue diesel Volkswagon Rabbit and fishing for mackeral on mothers day ......and watching Dad play a mean game of poker below deck
...Buying longneck Buds at Teds in a brown paper bag before longnecks were a thing, then jumping on the Happy for the afternoon fluke trip.
...Summer vaca in wildwood every year hitting up the Royal Flush for night blues.
...Magic hour 330-900 trips and Nordic eels.
...Miss Take II Thanksgiving morning striper trips.
...Earle Pier when you were actually able to fish it by boat.
...NJF tuna trips by AndyS.....some of the best $hit ever and it had nothing to do with the catching
...Peconic bay weakfish trips out of Port Of Egypt.
...renting skiffs from Margos, Jacks and Schupps
EST. 1995
Last edited by Duffman; 03-23-2019 at 03:43 AM..