Re: Small Weed Chocked Ponds
I was just about to reply to this thread when I noticed Andy had already kindly called me out for my affinity for industrial retention basins, office park decorative ponds, and lots of other less than ideal fishing spots. All I can say is when you live in Union County, have a young son and a baby on the way, you make Due with what is at hand. Frankly, I have had much more success at a nearby retention pond filled with shopping carts behind a Target store than I have had at Spruce Run where I store my boat (at least in terms of quantity). I also work in Fort Lee so I have exploited many industrial bodies of water in Bergen and Passaic Counties as well. It might not be pretty, but it’s always an adventure! Just be sure to bring gloves to use when removing the often disgusting biohazard detritus snagged off the bottom.