Originally Posted by dakota560
Slot is one of many things which needs to be presented and discussed and we need data to support our arguments otherwise as before they'll simply be viewed as opinions and fall on deaf ears. Believe me when I tell you this, the proposed regs we were just handed will further hurt this fishery, that's the primary fact we need to speak to. Not just for recreationals, not just for commercials (even if they benefitted from a 40% increase), not for Party and or For Hire Charters but for returning this fishery to a healthy sustainable stock for everyone. We need to organize and not just show up and I'd be happy to work with the powers to be to coordinate that effort. If collectively we don't change our focus from a short term year over year to a long term remediation plan to rebuild this fishery back to health, we're simply going through the motions and becoming more and more frustrated each passing season.
Totally agree .
Imo all available info no matter which they want to look at show the 18" size limit is only going to continue to hurt this fishery .
Being given a 33 % mortality on throwbacks makes no sense to continue throwing back fish for Zero gain .