Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet
Here’s why actual catches say different .
Recs claim bad seasons , commercial guys claim lots of fish around .
What changed WE THROW ALL FISH UNDER 18” BACK 100%.
They still can keep that size fish as their size limit didn’t change.
All fish we used to keep are now there for them to catch .
A mixed catch of some females and ALL the males .
While we fish for the smallest piece of the pie , that is also being targeted by the commercial fleet .
The whole pie.
What every scenario agrees on is 18” is the wrong size for the fishery.
It doesn’t equally split the harvest between commercial and recreational fisherman.
18” makes us keep too many females while having a large mortality charged on throwbacks .
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results .
IMO all three scenarios show the size limit should be reduced to 17”
Been saying that for 3 years and it falls on deaf ears .
As far as fluking last year . We had another great season, as did many of our friends .
Ask Jerry if he thinks there are no fish around , as you know it’s a daily crush for guys working that find the body of fish .
His catches daily showed there were plenty of fish around.
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV
Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club
Last edited by hammer4reel; 03-14-2019 at 12:09 PM..