Re: Anyone know the fluke options for 2019 yet
Tom here are some things for you to research.
Excise tax has already been paid by everyone on every piece of tackle we buy.
That tax comes back into the fishery once you meet it's guidelines.
They give examples of how that money can be used .
As far as manufacture such as Berkley they have way more skin in the game than recs ever will.
All manufactures who are at ICast are members of The American sportfishi ng association.
The ASA is also given a percentage of the sales of every item sold to promote and protect fishing .
That is the organisation each manufacture donates to instead of a thousand different groups asking for money such as SSFFF .
Groups like SSFFF have to ask the ASA for help in those matters .Not each individual tackle maker .
Look at their website and you can find tons of info .
Captain Dan Bias
Reelmusic IV
Fifty pound + , Striped Bass live release club