Originally Posted by Aaron_Jasper
Capt Sal
We can go back and forth all day and no where did I blame the charter and party boats. However, there are party and charter boats in certain areas of NY that beat up on the fish for an insane amount of time.
I think the recreation catch should be regulated the same as the commercial catch. There should be some way these boats report their catches and a formula used to compute some quota system to ensure the fish are not being overfished as we have found out they are in the latest stock assessment.
What it all comes down to at the end of the day is how much do we value the resource? I have twins that just turned one on the 16th of January and I want to do my part to make sure the fishery is in good shape for them. The sad part is that some interests do not align with long term goals, which should be the goal of everyone. it should not be a nearsighted game at this point. People know too much and too many fishermen and women including myself have seen this fishery make a comeback. What we had in the late 90's through 2012 was nothing short of amazing. Of course there were some bright spots and amazing fishing even this year, however, the data is not wrong. The science backs up the "scattered" pockets of good fishing that we have had. The fall run used to last from September through January, now its a month at best with scattered action on both ends.
The fact of the matter is this-Charter boats are bragging they ''limited out''.That means one fish per person.In Raritan Bay there are not too many''overs''43''being caught.Compare that to the 2000 era!There are way more private boats that charter boats now as compared to twenty years ago.The Party Boats don't even make a dent in the striper population because they can not troll with that amount of people.Some so called ''charter'' boats can only take two or three anglers on there 23' or 25' pleasure boats.They are not out every day and do not take tons of fish.The stocks may be down but so are the limits.Just read the posts but read between the lines.I know i was guilty of it myself but dock shots SUCK! A pile of dead fish with there throats cuts is horrible.Take the time to snap a few action pictures and some released fish.