Re: River Pollution Control
My grandmother lived in lyndhurst all her life and I spend a lot of time in the summer at her house two blocks from the ball fields on river road. Of course we were always poking around the river despite being told not to and I remember it was pretty bad. I lived in and grew up in cedar grove, bordering little falls and we would fish and play in the river by the old Beattie rugs plant (now condos) and the river would flow green and red and orange and smelled like what I now recognize as phenols. One summer we all went swimming in it and got sick as dogs for about a week. They called it "river fever". To see this work going on makes me feel a little better about the future for my grandkids - as long as we don't water down environmental regulations anymore or cut the funding for environmental cleanups and are willing to enforce the laws with real sentences. Single use plastic containers and bags are a big offender, maybe we were better off with soda fountains and paper cups.