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Old 01-19-2019, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Freshwater Fisheries Forum January 19:

Originally Posted by dakota560 View Post
thmyorke1 I was unfortunately one of the guys who heeded the Governor's state of emergency and missed today's meeting. Could you expand on what was discussed regarding LL salmon. Does NJ plan on maintaining the program and or expanding it? Was there any discussion about changes to size or possession limits? Would love to see the size limit changed to at minimum 15" in the three bodies of water currently at 12" or even "18 in all four impoundments in an effort to establish a true trophy fishery. Changing the possession limit to one would go a long way in establishing this fishery as well.

Appreciate your reply.
(Mind this is in my own words and observations) One mentioned that salmon are clearly getting more pressure, but not only pressure but the majority are treating it like the put-and-take fishery that stocked trout are. He stressed that something should be done as this put-and-take practice along with the increase popularity of LLs wont be sustainable for long as LL salmon stocking, in numbers, is low.

Not sure what was suggested, assumes it means size + possession limit. Another gentleman suggested slots where you cant keep too many big fish.

Not too sure about F&G's response; but they stated they make sure the fish they stock are already at a good size, and they're aware they want to keep the fishery sustained. I would write them an email to get further reassurance, they will be making reg changes for 2021 I believe? They said they're going to a three year cycle instead of two now.
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