Interesting picture. You should send it to F&G and see what they think. From researching it on line, few points. LL salmon mouths come to middle or rear of eye, brown trout extend beyond rear edge. LL's markings usually end at or above the lateral line and have no makings on the adipose fin or upper tail which your fish doesn't appear to have. LL tail is more forked as others have mentioned, brown more squared. If I had to guess I'd guess it is a colored up salmon but as Bob pointed out what's unusual is no black markings. Males can have red markings, I've attached a picture of the land lock I caught late last year which had a lot of red in it but notice the markings are all above the lateral line. Yours has all red, no black which is odd. To me the biggest issue is the mouth not extending past the eye and a slight forked tail but as others have pointed out coloration is a bit unusual although I've seen brownish spawning male LL's but they've all had some degree of black marks.
Below is a link that explains differences between various trout including browns and Atlantic Salmon.
Again I'd send the picture to F&G and let them weigh in. Possible you discovered a new species, maybe they'll name it a Land Locked Squatch. Either way, nice catch!