I did more exploring through various wild trout streams.
Came across many fishy holes, but only a portion supplied trout willing to bite. Many creek chubs and thorn bushes in between.
Now crossed off a rainbow from the wild-trout list. Brook trout next.
The last trout pictured came from today, couldnt find a sign of fish-life in this new river until this big deep eddy under a tree.
See some trout miss my lil jig as it bounced on the bottom, and it wouldnt commit to it afterwards.
Tossed a tiny jerkbait instead a minute later and I see the trout come out of no where chasing it from behind then finally catching up and smack the lure.
It appeared the trout had some weird lower jaw deformity, but it was still in good health. Assuming this is a wild trout, my largest wild one Ive caught.