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Thread: Tons of Bonita
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Old 10-26-2018, 08:34 AM
bulletbob bulletbob is offline
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Default Re: Tons of Bonita

Originally Posted by tombanjo View Post
I caught a bunch of those little bones too and was greatly anticipating having them again after last year's feast. Bled and iced right away, the meat was a huge disappointment. Grayish and unsuitable for sushi/sashimi. Not sure if it's a size thing and maybe these little ones need to grow a bit to yield better meat. Last year the ones I ate were all 3lbs and up. Will throw them back next time.
Thats strange, you would think the opposite would be true.. I haven't caught Bonito since i lived in NJ years ago, and never caught small ones, but I do remember the ones I caught were really good eating... Maybe as you alluded to, the big ones are just better eating for some reason...

Over the years, I have found individual fish of several different specie, to be horrible to eat for unknown reasons.. Clean water, healthy fish, horrible meat, while on a different day at the same place the same species of fish was perfectly good..

Maybe the fish you had caught and eaten were on some particularly nasty type of food source for a period of time that imparted a nasty taste to the meat.. It doesn't take long I have found. Fish can taste bad one week, and much better a few weeks later when environmental/forage conditions change... bob
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