Fisher Price IV Charter/Open Boat Striped Bass Availability 10/15 - 10/21
We are available for charter and open boat trips for striped bass on the following days. Charters are $800 and open boat trips $135 per person, not including tip for the mate. All bait and tackle is included. Here is our schedule:
Friday 10/19 - 6am-12pm - Filled
1pm--7pm - Booked
Saturday 10/20 - 6am-12pm - 2 spots available
Sunday 10/21 - 6am-12pm - 6 spots available or charter
For more info and reservations give Capt Derek a call at 732-861-3394.
Last edited by Capt Derek Fisher Price 3; 10-17-2018 at 09:27 PM..