Re: Manasquan River 9-16
The "mass migration" out of the river is a little late this year. Somehow they must know to wait until the season is over before they move out. We haven't had any really severe temperature drops or strong storms to push them out of the back. There's still too much bait around in the river to force them out. In years gone by, there has always been a short window of opportunity for fishing for fluke along the beach or close in after they move out. Once they start to move out, they travel pretty fast and far in a short time, based on some tagging data.
The fluke move out in patches or groups or pods or whatever you want to call them. They don't seem to spread out along the way offshore, so you can be just a quarter of a mile away from a big batch of fluke and not catch anything. You'd swear there were no more fluke in the ocean. The fact is, they were all in one spot. If you can find that one big body of migrating fluke before the trawlers do, you can have a ball.
There aren't too many places where you could have fished and thank you for sharing your story. If "Foggy" is reading this, I know where he'll be this week.