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Old 09-06-2018, 07:59 PM
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Default Re: Just another day at the Monger Fluke office

To add to what Dave already said, Jerry and crew quite simply run an unbelievable operation and while he does this just about every day, he makes each trip feel like his first with the passion and entusiasm he and his crew show. It's infectious to the charter.

Trip was pretty much lights out fishing and we caught at every one of the many spots tried. John Johanson, as Dave metioned, put on a clininc to the point we checked his rod for cork and did a steroid check back at the dock.....both coming back negative. He was on fire all day. Along with the many quality fish caught, there were some bigger fish dropped, a few no doubt DD.

Want to thank Dave for putting it all together and the invite (and fighting through a nasty stomach bug to join us), the entire crew for being just a great bunch of guys and in particular Jerry and Mike for the relentless commitment to giving their charters every ounce of effort they have and in 99.9% of cases results that prove it.

Just an unbelievable trip and an even more unbelievable operation! Thanks for a GREAT day on the water!
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