Originally Posted by Brewlugger
Had a request for some trout so I hit up an area that I had done well when I was a kid. Haven't been there in at least 25 years and I'm sure it's been that long since I have bait fished for trout. Started around 4:30 pm and got one right away. I worked my way upstream and started swinging and missing like the Mets with a hangover. Finally caught another one and left at six. I broke out my 35 year old Red Ball hip boots that I have not used in some time as well, they were still good and didn't leak a drop as opposed to my 2 year old high dollar imported chest waders. God bless the USA.
Your post brings back memories growing up in
Paramus in the 60s. Redballs.... no more.
DId you try Saddle River?