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Old 04-15-2018, 12:32 PM
Canyon Runner Canyon Runner is offline
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Posts: 767
Default Re: First Yellowfin of the Year Brought into Manasquan - Kinda - FREE Canyon Overnigh

Originally Posted by Gerry Zagorski View Post
Count me in too Adam. Can I or others Pay Pal you? If so, what is your Pay Pal address??

Not sure how wide of a net you want to throw here but if you are looking for a lot of people to donate, you might consider using www.gofundme.com

Thanks for supporting out vets.
Thanks Gerry - I don't want to use gofundme - want to keep this organic to the fishing community that knows us best and is already aware of all the FREE military trips we already do. So people know that 100% of what they give goes directly to taking a Vet fishing.

Also don't want people just sending to paypal as i want to correspond with each donor so they know exactly how the funds will be used.

Right now i have 14 Military Folks who are already on board - we are doing May 15-16, 16-17 (these are already filled up) and then 2 more trip later in June and early July.

Canyon Runner will donate whatever it takes to get all 4 trips in and therefore 24 Vets off to the canyons on an overnighter but any amount anyone can give helps.

So if you want to help or have a Vet to nominate just email me at adam@canyonrunner.com

By the way - remember this isn't a donation to a charity so it's NOT deductible - you are literally paying for a charter to take a Vet offshore.
Best regards,

Canyon Runner
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