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Old 01-11-2018, 05:02 PM
Capt Ray Mad Gaffer's Avatar
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Default mad gaffer blackfish report Thursday, Jan.11

We had our best day of the season yet, not only did we have a full boat limit, the average size of the fish was the biggest average size, we caught all year. We had one fish that was 13 pounds, four fish that were over 10 pounds , about 15 fish that were 5 to 8 pounds , and the rest of the fish were all 3 to 4 pound fish, we threw back quite a few keepers that were just 15 inches. Just when you thought it was all over, it will surprise you. All around it was a perfect day , a boatload of big fish , a boat load of nice people , and the most gorgeous weather you ever saw in the middle of the winte , I would have to say that this was the best day of the Blackfish season for me , We had other days with boat limits, and we had bigger fish individually a few times but today everything seems to just come together. We have to play the weather by ear, after all it is January , But maybe there's a few more trips in
us. Watch the weather with us and look for the Open Boat posts call for information and reservations PS I will be putting trip pictures up on Facebook now , and later will be adding pictures to this blog
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