Sand Tiger Shark
Always have a camera handy when you go fishing. No one would believe this Sand Tiger could have been caught on a fluke outfit without having a picture to prove it. I didn't have to explain anything to my wife and family either because they were there with me. We estimated the shark to be between 7-8 feet and over 150 pounds. It took almost 30 minutes to get it to the boat after a tug of war on 20# test Power Pro and 20# test flurocarbon leader on a small Shimano 250 Calcutta. It was hooked in the upper lip outside the gum line. It was carefully released and swam off to look for another meal. A lot had to go right to get it to the boat and it did. If you know where the Manasquan fluke fleet was on Sunday, that's where we were. By the way, the fluke fishing was the best it's been all summer. The reel is in the shop right now getting a new drag assembly.