Originally Posted by tycomps
That's why I asked this- "Is there a listing by those who count of how many of what fish has made it thru the ladder?" (specifically a current version of the attached)
I can't find any data from the the PIT tagging program. This post by Mark B is from 2013, should be stats by now. Any info Mark?
"Rutgers professor, Olaf Jensen, will again be attempting to capture A. shad to tag & monitor their movement through the ladder. Rutgers is also taking over the video recording of the spawning run from the underwater viewing room. It is anticipated that this will be a long term commitment by Rutgers to this project. Olaf said that he plans to teach an undergraduate course on fish ladders, next year."
All I saw (and heard about) in abundance at DIP was gizzards, what was your personal experience with american shad?
Ive seen plenty swimming around, at once I saw about 8 swim past me by the bank. Ive met someone that caught 7 in one day up there, fishing for trout originally with lil jigs.