Re: Worthington State Forest
Sunfish Pond is an acidic lake. It basically only contains stunted sunfish.
If you fish it hard enough you may find stunted fish of different species like perch or pickerel, but in the end it's not really worth your time to fish. Just enjoy the hike and the scenery.
There are a few other acid ponds up there that don't contain any worthwhile fish like Crater Lake.
I recommend you stick with the river.
When you're fishing the river, you have to keep in mind that you're fishing a park that receives FIVE MILLION visitors annually, with most of them visiting the park now in the mid-to-late summer.
Fishing will be anything but serene with:
-raucous riverside picnics blasting salsa music
-a constant log jam of outfitter canoes and kayaks floating down river
-the bucket brigade on shore and in their stupid inflatable rafts
-bass boats blasting up river on full plane.
-picnickers loitering around the boats ramps taking up parking spaces and getting in the way
-the deep pools occupied by swimmers
-remote controlled airplanes and drones
If you can handle the 'atmosphere' the fishing can be okay up there.
"The fish you release may be a gift to another, as it may have been a gift to you." -Lee Wulf