Originally Posted by Eskimo
I agree. I think some people don't understand what a blessing the Fish & Wildlife stockings really are.
A few weeks ago, I was fishing on a reservoir which is probably one of the most heavily fished bodies of water in the world. I was catching-and-releasing pike, channel catfish, and hybrid stripers. It occurred to me that NONE of these fish were born in this body of water. ALL of the fish I was catching were born in the hatcheries run by Fish & Wildlife.
I know I constantly bitch that Fish & Wildlife should change their regulations to enhance the populations of wild-born Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass; but I am amazed and grateful for all the stocking of trout, walleye, pike, catfish, and hybrid stripers we receive for a paltry sum of $33.00.
Agreed! I couldn't have said it better! Gotta include smallies, LMB and LLS among others too!