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Old 06-07-2017, 04:46 PM
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Default Re: Coming your way soon: Catch Shares so the Big Cats get Bigger

Agreed, Rocky

Some of these anti-fishing entities have lots of $ and support.

I understand that one of the biggest contributors to PEW is Walmart. Is that company that naive? or are they okay with giving money to anti-fishing group while selling tackle to fishermen? I haven't shopped at Walmart for years and I tell my friends and family not to.

Like I said, if you can't get to meetings, support those who support you. I'm on the side of whoever is on my side. I perceive too much division among fishermen.

What we can agree on is that fisheries management is messed up. When they are insisting that NJ keep a 19 inch fluke, while science shows that there would be more dead discards at that size than fluke kept. --This is not conservation, this is Bull.

It is very easy to find your rep on the internet and send him or her a short email. I'm disappointed that my congressman has not yet responded to the email that I sent him but I will give him a chance. If he does nothing, I will make it publicly known.
Captain Bob Bogan
Brand New 90 Foot Party Boat Gambler
Sailing Daily From Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

Last edited by captbogan; 06-07-2017 at 04:48 PM..
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