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Old 04-21-2017, 06:51 PM
Scoundrel's Avatar
Scoundrel Scoundrel is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 328
Default Osprey Atlantic City 4/21

Well, I rallied a few guys from the marina to go to AC to fish on the Osprey for some last minute Tog.

Last night, I saw one of the participants, and told him ""Yeah, its supposed to be around 80 degrees, I'm wearing shorts" He concurred.
Thank goodness it's not just my wife who doesn't listen to me. It was pretty darn cold. 45-55*, 10k east wind and thick fog.

Keeping warm was not a problem as they had hot coffee brewing all day long. Free. Sinkers, free. Hooks and rigs, free.
Fishing was average. I ended up with 3 keepers, my travel mate had 2. my other 4 marina mates did Not fare as well. We all had plenty of throwbacks, and had a seal following us enjoying several meals of Tog sushi that he dove down and procured himself.

The most interesting part:
These other marina mates, who did not fare too well, cannot wait to go back and are trying to get together for next Friday. I am with them. That is how good this operation is.

Mates are the best I have EVER experienced. You need a rig? You have it in a minute, net, they are already there, white crabs? In your bucket without asking. Sinkers? Use whatever you need. Captain communicated to the anglers at all times. Where the piece is, what to feel on the bottom, how long to next drop, etc.

Great operation.

Wish they were New Jersey permanently.
You're dead alot longer than your alive
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