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Old 01-14-2017, 09:10 AM
captainrich captainrich is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Striped bass busts gone wild !!

I don't know why but I am going to stick my two cents into this issue:

- first, for all of you who want to extrapolate numbers - no one talks about the days we drive all over the ocean and can't catch very many or any for that matter - so put that into you calculation - it will drastically change it

- you right NJ has no commercial fishing for them but the last time I checked Stripers don't really read the sign on the nets that say "don't swim in we can't catch you" - so when this happens they are released but a good percentage are already dead or too hurt to make it

- yup I agree with the post about NJ boats going out the east beach - on the way up we can take the short route but not on the way home - I always believed there should be a way that we can just "transit" waters over 3 miles
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