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Thread: Fluke option 6
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Old 01-06-2017, 08:10 AM
Capt John Capt John is offline
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Default Re: Fluke option 6

Originally Posted by hammer4reel View Post
After seeing how they are getting their catch numbers, as well as only being willing to rely on their own data I believe we use their historical data and offer option 6.
A (5) fish bag limit composed of
(3) fish 16 to 19"
(2) fish over 19"
as their historical data shows best reqruitment was ALWAYS when we had a smaller length limit than 18" .
It showed when the catch was spread where it possibly added males to the daily creel as well as taking smaller less egg quanity filled females the fishery reruitment was always in an upward path.
It is only since they imposed limits that take 90% females and it also targets the fish carrying the most eggs to be the total daily creel.
Thier own data showed the fishery had only failed under their management plan of raising the limit to allow less target fish .

It would spread the harvest over 3 top 4 years of age class fish/
Lower our poundage due to taking fish that weigh less as part of the creel etc.
and allow many people to much better enjoy the resource.while meeting their reduction requirements.
Lower throwback mortality number status quo hasn't worked 18 inches is the wrong number to have as a starting point
they wont use our data. use theirs against them.

Well done Dan....I am in favor of this proposal. I was at the meeting last night and was very impressed with the comments that were made by many sources. They CANNOT be allowed to "force feed" their ludicrous proposals on an already hurting charter and party boat business.
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