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Old 11-30-2016, 01:02 PM
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GDubya07 GDubya07 is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.


I got lucky once again but it was tuff sledding all day , bite was scratchy to lights taps, there were some chomps but no mad dog bite , you had to work for em today. They wanted crushed/cracked crabs or the shell off worked best for me , now for my update

1) Steve nobody invited you to fish next to me , you just mugged/walked over and never left (cant blame you because Gdubs=AWESOME) BTW I dropped/rolled more fish in the afternoon than you caught all day bucko - thats right you got bucko'd- BTW I did catch em in the afternoon - At least I didnt call you a Ninja but you did steal some of my fish buddy - Love ya Kid

2) That poor girl , we were all on our best behavior and we tried, I told her to go home and tell her mom about the life lessons she learned today- her father is walking with a limp as we speak and his voice is much higher

3) DO NOT stand anywhere near me when I try and set the hook , it is ugly and you might lose an eye or get pink eye - , I can set a rock like no bodies business

4) Dales I hit just about everyone when I swing a fish comon buddy -
everyone is involved in the Slap me with a Fish game - but they do get in the boat

5) I got 1/2 fired and was reprimanded for stating that I could not feel any bottom/structure and was fishing in the Mudd

6) My Jets are just that my Jets - right , wrong or indifferent I am a true fan and will never stop and you were right I didnt make the game and they lost

Great time as always with Capt JJ and crew , thanks Steve and Chris for showing up

The Name is G.W.

Last edited by GDubya07; 11-30-2016 at 01:10 PM..
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