Welcome Struck!
Went there last weekend and picked up a few in the back hole. I was trolling spinner baits, wobblers and spoons about 15-20ft down for a few hours with no luck. I'm not sure when they start hitting lures again, but then I switched to herring, drifting in 85ft with my line down about 20ft and that's when I started landing fish. Weird how they were up so high that day, it was about 95 degrees out.
Need to go to the local tackle shop, get live herring and ask how deep they are on that day. I would also invest in some slip bobbers to try a few lines at different depths until you find them.
I will be going back last weekend of September or fist in October (weather pending). I am going to try to slow troll the live herring as well.
Best of luck and tight lines!