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Old 07-15-2016, 02:19 PM
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jimmythegreek jimmythegreek is offline
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Default Re: side imaging sonar issue

looks like interference to me at quick glance. if you have it on its own battery try your trolling motor at full speed and see what it looks like. then shut motor off after gaining momentum and see what it looks like with motor on. Trolling motors have pulse width modulation to save battery and you can get interference from just being near it, and it can happen randomly too. If you determine its got nothing to do w the trolling motor at all set the display to show you battery voltage and make sure you are close to 12v or higher (11.7 and lower starts problem with humminbirds) and if thats OK too its a transducer issue most likely, its rarely a unit issue. If you registered the unit go and download the latest update and update the unit, if you didnt do it now and update it w latest software. It is wierd that its clear until you actually change the view to SI then starts to do that. not sure how the helix frequency is I run the big units but you may be able to switch 455 for 800mhz see if that does anything. sending unit in isnt worth it you can reload software yourself from SD card. your transducer will still be under warranty, the helix has the compact SI transducer not the HD one so you will never get pics like you see on the net but even those are hard to come by. let us know how you make out Chris
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