Originally Posted by CubasFinest12
Doug- Some of these fish were already spawned out actually, some were full of eggs don't get me wrong but there was a few with empty egg pouches. We are toggaholics on my boat, we only keep fish 15-19 inches and even when it's a 6 fish per man limit we rarely keep more than 3 per guy unless friends and family are begging for fresh fish.
Saltlife- catch them up bud, highly suggest filleting the first bergals you guys get and using strips of them as bait. Plain and simple got the job done for us.
That's great to know the last couple that I caught accidentally while Ling fishing were full of roe & returned unharmed by me. Usually during the summer I wont keep the females anyway. If you or anybody else catch's any when in season wants to keep them so be it. I'm the furthest thing from a tree hugger so keep the legal fish but I like the fact that you keep only what you need.