FISHERMEN/10 pound Beauty Today! Big Fluke again.
Much better fishing today once we had a float....Slugged away on Shorts and some very nice keepers including, John Zipcos Ten pound Beauty! John also landed an Eight three at the end of the day. Couple five pounders in the mix.
Skinder had his limit of very nice Fluke, fishing in the stern and Buck-tailing all day. Great day on the water!
Yesterday we had Young Anthony Scalzo Jr. aboard with his Dad and Uncle's celebrating my buddy Rons Birthday, Anthony landed his first Fluke ever and took the pool with a Great 6.5 pound Fish. His reaction was priceless and made everyone's day, nothing but smiles all around! Congrads for that 10 pounder next!
Not sailing Monday Night as we are going to the Fireworks.
Capt. Ron