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Old 01-27-2016, 01:30 PM
Walleyed Walleyed is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Allamuchy
Posts: 506
Default Re: NJ Boating/fishing regulations question

Can't answer the boat question....I suggest calling the NJ State Police and get their answer.

As far as filleting on the water, here's what the 2015 regs say:

The filleting at sea of all fish with a size limit, or any species of flatfish, is prohibited except for summer flounder; see Summer Flounder, page 12. No parts of any fish caught on a previous fishing trip shall be in possession.

Here's what it said about Fluke:

Anglers may fillet one legal-sized summer flounder from their daily possession limit catch for use as bait. This carcass, commonly known as the rack, shall be kept intact so it can be measured for compliance with the minimum size limit. No parts of any summer flounder caught on a previous fishing trip shall be in possession; only fish just caught on this outing.

"Marie's Dream" 1985 21' Trophy
Homeport: Allamuchy, NJ
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