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It's OPEN! Superintendent John J. Donahue announced today that construction on the motor boat launch at Kittatinny Point is finished and the launch is now open to the public. “Completing this project allows boaters access to the deepest section of the river within the park, right in the heart of the Delaware Water Gap, something they have not been able to do for about 10 years,” explained Donahue. “And with the warm weather we’ve been having, anglers can still get in some fishing this season.”
Severe flooding associated with several hurricanes between 2004 and 2006 destroyed the boat launch resulting in its closure. The canoe launch, located about 200 yards upstream, remained open. There is limited access to this section of the river from other launch points. The project was funded by the Middle Delaware Mitigation Fund in compensation for the impacts of the Susquehanna to Roseland transmission line upgrade project on park resources and visitors