Originally Posted by Steve08753
I was the guy in the Parker center console and that guy was a flaming A-hole. every time we swung on a fish he came closer. He circled us and set up right on an anchor line, it's easy to buy a boat but you can't buy a clue.
How many people need to scream at the guy before he gets the hint? Im no professional but the guy was an ignorant a-hole! After i screamed at him he buzzed off into the fleet kicking a pretty large wake while he went to circle another boat that was catching fish. For the hour i saw him he threw his tiny grapple 7 or 8 times dangerously close to my anchor line, a center console of my port side, and then he proceeded to almost take out a charter boat. there is no need for that crap when there is a nice 4-5 foot swell.