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Old 11-27-2015, 05:58 PM
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Default Dangerous boating

Out fishing today for blackfish in a shitty swell. It took a little while to get them to chew, but once they did it was stupid fishing. 3 guys totaled 66 keepers in 3 hours to 11 lbs only keeping our 3 man limit. The dangerous boating part was part free entertainment, as good as it gets, coupled with absolute idiots who didn`t have a clue of what they were doing.
While we were bailing fish a boat (Tuna Pursuit) tries to anchor 4 times about 100 feet away from us off our bow. No problem there... After trying 4 times they were unsuccessful due to them using a ridiculously small wreck anchor for the size of the boat, let alone the conditions. They wondered why they couldn't hold with them trying to anchor on a broad based area of rock with so little scope that it was a LMAO moment. These guys did not belong on the water.
So now as we think the entertainment is over, these dicks decide to do a complete circle 30 feet from us in an attempt to steal the spot we were on. These idiots didn't even have a clue that we had a fair amount of scope out on our anchor of which they were going right over. Talk about not being aware of your surroundings with a real shitty swell today.
Are things that bad that you have to risk the lives of passengers on 2 boats? It`s times like this that I would have loved to have had a 5 minute conversation on land with this irresponsible a hole, who in his mind was protected by the 30 feet of water between the 2 boats. Please for every boaters safety get a clue!

Last edited by rumster; 11-27-2015 at 07:32 PM..
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