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Old 11-26-2015, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Blackfish.. bad luck or bad numbers?

You can not make a determination about how fishing has been by one or two trips. You have to put the time in before you can make a determination on how fishing is. Sort of like clinical studies that pharmaceutical company's do when determine that safety of a medication. Can not say that medication does not work based on results of a few patients. They look at hundreds and thousands of patients. When it comes to fishing I think you need to do at least 6 -12 trips before you can make that call. I made a commitment this year to fish hard this fall and winter in search of double digit blackfish. I can honestly say that it is probably the best Numbers I have had to start the season both in numbers and Quality. In my numbers I only count keepers as shorts do not count in my book

10/12 NY = 14 keepers. Great bite all day
10/18 NJ = 9 keepers. Tough bite
11/5 RI. = 16 keepers. Good bite
11/6. RI = 9 keepers. Ok bite
11/11 NY = 6 keepers. Tough bite
11/21 RI. = 19 keepers Awesome bite
11/22 RI = 11 keepers Ok/Good bite
11/25 NY = 4 keepers Really tough bite
Took my dad out on this trip so was tying and baiting his hooks all day so could not fish as hard as I normally do. Just wanted him to have a good time He tied me for high hook so i was happy he caught a few on a tough bite day.

Total of 8 trips = 92 keepers
When figuring out average I normally toss best trip and worst trip results to give me a more accurate average.
Average= 11.5 keepers per trip
Quality size has been good. Have had a dozen fish over 7 lbs with 3 fish going over 10lbs. The biggest going 12.7 lbs. 2 of the 3 double digits were released. The 12.7 did not make it after trying to revive it as we we were fishing deep water and she didn't make it

If you are fishing party boats it is going to make it harder to put in days of big catches. These Capts do a great job of putting there customers on fish. There is just more baits in the watet and only so many fish to compete to get fish to take your bait. Much harder to build your on life with so many guys on boat. Once you do start building your own life and start catching you are surety going to get mugged. That is OK as it is part of the blackfish game.

Need to constantly make changes based on conditions and how the bite is going. Also fishing to catch fish vs fishing to catch keepers is a different ball game. Need to adjust your presentation when looking to put fish in the box or when looking for a pool fish

Do not get discouraged as it sounds like you have been doing this for along time
How I fished 20-30 years ago is totally different to how if fish now when it comes to tackle, rigs, bait and technique. I fish all winter long and have been blessed to fish with some of the best blackfish Capts and blackfisherman on the east coast. I am a sponge she I am out there. I try to keep myself humble and learn as much as can from anyone by listening or by just observing what is working. I have been Blackfishing for about 30 years now and believe I am just starting to figure out what is working for me, as I have become a much better blackfisherman over the past 2 years. The thing that keeps you coming back and why we all love Blackfishing is figuring out the bite on a given day or even on a given tide of the day. Just when you think you are the man and have it all figured out they will put you in your place and humble you.

Last edited by MVP; 11-26-2015 at 11:39 AM..
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