Originally Posted by RussH
I wonder, the videos I've watched you always seem to be in the shallows. Does the killie still out fish the bucktail on 30 or 60 or more feet of water. Before the Bucktail craze I used to fluke fish with live killies exclusively. Bucktails and gulp seems to work better and I tried your rig last year with little luck, but it was much deeper water and I'd have trouble arguing your success based on these videos. I was also using a much larger 2/0 hook. A size 4 while clearly working seems too small for Fluke with their huge mouths.
Good point! The killie is not a natural prey item in the ocean. It is a prey item in shallow backwater areas, which is where both juvenile fluke and killies reside. Use a killie in the deep and more often than not you will catch small fish or sea robins. Great video though and thank you for sharing.