Re: Jigging For Stripers
When we have peanut bunker around soft plastic likes storm shads are a killer.You have to be able to fish the bottom so buy the heavier ones. Big difference fishing Raritan Bay than ocean side around the hook.It might be 60 feet deep as compared to 20ft. in the bay.The current outside can be quite strong and if you are on a party boat you want a heavy jig or soft plastic.Being able to switch lures fast is the key.I like a small snap or coast lock swivel.You do not need to spend a fortune but a good variety is a must.Sand eel jigs are great in Nov. and go to the bottom quickly.A plain hammered jig is a must and a 67 is not too big.I am sure Pete at Atlantic Bait will be more then happy to help you.Some lures only catch fishermen lol