Thoughts/ideas for Monday 11/16 Tog..
I am seriously contemplating calling in on Monday and making the 225 mile drive down to NJ for blackfish.. Marine forecast looks good starting late saturday, and really improves sunday and monday... I can also drive down to AH, Belmar or Brielle/Point P... Any charters / 6 packs that aren't filled, or any groups going out that can use another guy??.. I would love to meet a few NJF guys, been around here for years, but because of distance have met very few of the regulars around here... any ideas would be appreciated.. If not I will just jump aboard whichever head boat is least packed I suppose.. Do NOT like crowded head boats for Tog.. It never seems to work well, only half the fares get into a few fish most times when the boat is railed... If any group of guys could use another fare, i would love to be included... bob