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Old 11-04-2015, 04:52 PM
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Harpoon Harpoon is offline
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Default Re: Another Blackfish Beatdown 11-2

Originally Posted by Bobby Kojak View Post
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this post should be taken down. Unless I'm reading the initial post incorrectly, I believe that the post indicates a clear breaking of New Jersey, New York and Delaware State fish and game laws......
This s--t really pisses me off............
Blackfish season is open. You are allowed to KEEP/KILL/EAT 1 per angler. There is not a rule against catch and release fishing or labeling fish as "Keepers" so other post readers understand the size of your fish.
Rumster seems to know the laws and I'm sure follows them as he is on the bottom fishing grounds often. Why do you think he and his crew broke any laws?

Why would you also think that the fish would not survive after release? Many blackfish have survived hours in coolers only to flop around when they get fileted. Very hearty fish.

http://www.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/pdf/2015/maregsum15.pdf and just for clarification they are listed as tautog on the link.
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